As special as it is, your wedding day represents just one day in a lifetime of events so how do you stop it blurring over time? Choosing the right wedding videographer will ensure your cherished memories stay fresh in your mind forever, giving you a visual reminder of all the love, excitement, and joy you will feel as you step across the threshold into married life. Our wedding videography services, aren’t merely beautiful for beauty’s sake, but they express the love and emotion being a treasured keepsake that will last a lifetime, preserving the essence and standing witness to your joyful occasion and your precious memories.
A wedding film allows you to relive your special day. It is an investment in your history. It doesn’t matter whether you are marrying at home or abroad, having a religious ceremony or a civil one, planning an intimate ceremony or inviting everyone you know, your special day should be everything you dream of and that includes your wedding videography. Our team of skilled cameramen offers high quality wedding videos, attention to detail and a friendly service.
Sample of a Bluray menu
Our wedding videography options can cover the bridal and groom’s preparations from 2 or 3 hours before ceremony, the arrival at the church or venue, the ceremony service in full with 2 to 4 camera angles (one static), and the reception including entrance, speeches in full with multi-camera filming, cake cutting, first dance as well as the following dances. All footage is backed up at first opportunity when returning to the office, including to Cloud drive. A great wedding video requires inspiration joined with professional equipment and also a skilled editing which takes from 15 to 30 days. Your film includes a short highlights trailer as well as a full footage video which divided in thematic chapters. Wedding videography is delivered on 1080p HD BluRay discs/USB drive or simply in MP4 files download. There are many options available such as second and third additional cameramen, crane filming, drone, 4K Ultra High Definition videos and many more. This videography can be combined with our photo service so both products will have a harmonious and cohesive feel. Alternatively if you have already booked your photographer, we will gladly film alongside them. We do wedding videography with enthusiasm and we hope this is reflected in our work.
We and all our associated videographers and editors do not own the music copyright for our videos. All music rights and credits belong to their respective and rightful owners. If you own the music in any of our featured videos and you wish it to be removed please inform us. New Vision Photographia & Video has no responsibility, or claim, or arrogation of the music of these videos.
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Professional wedding videography in London, across the UK and internationally