Here is some examples and common mistakes when shooting interiors and exteriors.
The first couple of images is about how important the additional professional lights are.

The beauty of the detailed shots
There was a barely visible stone bake oven at the side of the building. I’ve captured a close-up photo of baked breads.
There was some homemade sweets inside a glass display. I took them out of the glass and I’ve used one backlight with a reflector.
Examples of the breakfast/lunch area and how you can see things in a different way.
Here is a common example of a two layers shots, one for the highlights (interior) and one for the window (window view). The image framed in green is the delivered one after editing.
Same technique.
The building exterior and main entrance. As I couldn’t move further back, I had to use an ultra-wideangle lens and make a panorama photograph. I have also adjusted the dark areas of the final image and improved the colours.
The exterior part with the pergola cafe and the swimming pool. The cafe from its best angle and after moving some sofas and tables.
The swimming pool area. This is the wrong angle because we should avoid the neighbours houses opposite.
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